Tuesday, October 30, 2012
pay attention
It began in the summer while leading a canoe trip with a dear friend. She had been embarking on a great personal healing journey and as we paddled and portaged, she kept finding the most beautiful feathers. I was a bit jealous to be quite honest. A few weeks later as summer turned its face toward fall, I also started finding feathers. One after another. Some days I would find three perfectly intact, beautiful feathers on the ground right in front of me. It wasn't that I was suddenly standing under bird nests; I was suddenly realizing important things about starting the next phase of my life.
Shortly after that, my boss, friend and mentor suggested I do a workshop on group leadership. The evening I got on the plane to travel from one coast to the other, I found a feather on the sidewalk, and another right when I arrived. I carried a deep sense of being in exactly the right place doing the right thing for the duration of the workshop.
That was two weeks ago. As I have been settling in to my new life post workshop, the feathers have declined. This doesn't mean that I'm no longer on the right path; I take the decline of feathers as a sign that I am better able to understand and trust my own sense of things and I don't need so many outward confirmations.
I feel better in my ability to read people and situations, I feel more compassionate, and all around me people are being generous and loving. This is why we need not take ourselves so seriously: if we follow the things that intuitively feel right, regardless of the judgement of others, we will find ourselves easily flowing into what we are meant to be doing.
Nobody said it was easy to get in touch with intuition, I'm just saying it is important to pay attention. Look, listen, breathe. What do you feel? What is your body trying to tell you? How do you know you've made a good decision? When things are going well, pay attention to your body and the people around you. When things are challenging and scary, pay attention. Your body already knows things your brain alone can't interpret.
When opportunity arises will you be able to follow your heart?
Thursday, October 4, 2012
To stop and listen: just stop, just listen.
It is so simple:
the earth sings with love. YOU sing with love.
Forgive yourself for wanting things, forgive others for wanting things.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Power in Gratitude
This isn't about lying to yourself or "making lemonade" it's about choosing to focus on what's going right more than you focus of what's going wrong; it's about taking responsibility for your life and your feelings and either accepting things that are out of your control, or taking action to change them. Practicing gratitude is an excellent way to re-frame negativity. Don't like your roommate? Thank them for challenging your patience. Don't like your body? Thank it for all the things it CAN do: read this blog, let you enjoy the world through your senses, give you a home base for all your brainy endeavors, whatever.
Thank you, reader. You're enriching my life!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Say it out loud!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Do Something Nice For Someone Else
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Media is like Alcohol
My point here (and this applies to movies, music, news, corporate internet stuff, you name it) is that there is a lot of stuff out there that is designed to make you feel less than perfect, less than wonderful, less than ideal- it's a bunch of lies. They're really clever lies, they're pretty convincing, but the reality is that nothing real is as perfect as that fantasy, and while it is important to have goals and to strive to have good beautiful things in your life, you are the one who should be deciding what those things are. You, by yourself, without corporate media loudly or quietly commanding you, without some weirdly hairless model or some too-clean kitchen or some messed up slogan about how beer makes you cool. You are the one who decides what is important, beautiful, attainable, challenging, and if you tune out media on a regular basis, or only tune in occasionally, you can be a lot surer your decisions are based on your own wonderful self than on corporate manipulation. And knowing you are making your decisions based on things you actually intrinsically care about feels really fucking great!
Saturday, January 14, 2012
walk, write, eat
To the lonely and faint of heart:
Don’t be afraid – let miles pass
There is nothing to fear.
Walk near water, train tracks, moss
walk lost.
Somedays it takes getting lost to get found.
Walk in the rain, the cold
walk home.
Be in the home of your body
feel what walking feels like in your hips
your pinky toes, your armpits
feel your clothes brush your skin – don’t let judgment in.
Walk until you find something you’ve never seen
it won’t take long.
Walk until you have no idea where you are:
keep going.
Walk until you want to give up:
keep going.
See how long it takes to find stillness of thought:
keep going.
Walk until happiness is the squelching sound of your left shoe
walk until despair doesn’t exist.
Walk until all you can think is littlefeetlittlefeetlittlefeet
and littlefeetlittlefeetlittlefeet and
Feel the vibrations of the ground beneath you
no excuses, nobody has listened in years.
See a magical sand dollar seashell collection
let rain soak you, littlefeet wet, socks felt in shoe
I promise you
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Wandering Lost
Friday, January 6, 2012
Get Dirty

Some people go whole years without touching dirt, without running their fingers through the moss or walking barefoot on the grass. Some people go whole lives without stopping to love the earthworms and the beetles and the lowly things that busily make life happen all around us. This is the root of sadness. We are made to love. We are made to love things that hold us. We are made to hold things we love. Touch is essential. Babies wither and die who are not touched. Adults who do not love things become hard and cruel.
Touch the earth. It will hold your grief and your worry and your pain. Don’t be afraid, the earth has always held you, has always opened willingly, given you all that you need. Touch her rich soils, her barrenness, touch the earth, bury your hands in the dirt until you touch the worms, bury your face in the grass until you inhale life. Smear mud on your skin, put your nose in the dark richness, close your eyes, this is the smell of life. Even the decay, the rotting, molding masses, even the fungi that tear living things into death, make way for seedlings.
Some conifers produce seeds that must be cracked open by fire. It does not take intellect to know that life needs death. When you are lost, hungry, yearning to hold something dear, to be held in the embrace of all that came before. When you are hard and calloused by the harsh weather of your life. When you have curled, perhaps slowly without realizing, into a tight mass that is barely breathing. Touch the earth. Let it crack you open like the cone of a Douglas fir, let it break you into tiny shards so that the seeds of hope can spill forth from what is left of the past. You must dig beneath the surface to lay those seeds; touch potential, ever-present.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Who are you really?
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Bodies Don't Lie
Recap: Listen to your body, love it every way you can. Loving yourself feels good, and it draws good people and good things into your life. Be still, move, nourish, and rest. The more you love yourself the more you will love other people and the more they will love you (and if they don't love you more for loving yourself, you probably don't need 'em around)!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Open Letter to lonely, slutty, depressive, types
Being happy is a full-time job.
The most concrete advice I can come up with to improve your emotional quality of life: stop having sex just to feel close to somebody, anybody. Stop having sex with people you don’t care about, and definitely stop having sex with people who don’t care about you. Stop having “casual” relationships when this is not actually what you want. Stop accommo-dating. It sucks. You can probably fuck yourself better than most of the people you’ve slept with in the past 10 months, and there are always more things to try. You can pour your heart into yourself, or your schoolwork or your writing. You can cuddle with a just-friends friend, or a pillow, or hold your own damn self until a good person with good intentions and compatible desires comes along. You can be patient. You must be patient.
You must learn to be happy right now and always. Let yourself cry. Cry as you write -- it’s ok. Let it flow out in words and drawings and sculptures and tears, scrub it off in the shower, beat it out with a belt, fuck it out with yourself. Fill your room with all the shittiness you feel and then buy some garbage bags and rent a dumpster and fill them with the shit until it’s cleared away. It’s ok to feel like crap, but not for more than a week. Really, not for more than an hour. But we’ll stick with a week to be safe. It will pass, and it will be ok. Sometimes this stuff takes time.
Let go of those projections. They are full of pain. Grab on to the moment, the thrill of typing fast as thoughts form and flow out moment by moment – it’s exhilarating! Actually, it’s almost like an orgasm only ongoing and you can return to it in many more places without causing a scene. Let the act of writing acknowledge your feelings and help you sweep them away. It’s a process. It will always be a process. There is no such place as “happy” so don’t treat “sad” like a destination. Emotions are clouds. They move. Even in the Pacific Northwest where it’s possible that the same cloud will stay overhead for 6 months, even those clouds move. Really, you do see the sun here at least once a week even in the dead of grey-sky season. And really, your life is like that too, no matter how much you let yourself forget it.
So live like you’re seeing the sun or about to see the sun or just saw the sun because you are, you will, you have. Because if you live like it’s always cloudy in Portland you will cheat yourself out of appreciating all the sunshine you do get. Obviously there’s sun here or it couldn’t be so damn green, right? Think of yourself as a plant, as resilient, as timeless. Think of yourself like a seed about to burst, bursting, putting down roots, bearing fruit. You are, you are, you ARE. And don’t you dare cheat yourself out of it!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Do Something Nice For Yourself