Monday, February 13, 2012

Say it out loud!

My resolution for the new year was to "love more deeply and freely myself and others" and I've been thinking this past week, as we creep up on Valentine's Day, about how to make measurable progress on this particular goal. Supposedly tomorrow is the day when people declare their love for each other and somehow rainbows and magic springs forth forever. But what if we always told the people in our lives how much we love and appreciate them? What if instead of 'love' being a word heavily associated with romance and sex it was actually a word expressing meaningful connection between people. Totally revolutionary, right? It might mean that you've been saying it to people you don't really know well enough to love, which might be a painful realization, but it's also likely that there are people you love who don't know it because you've never said it.

Anyway, I think sometimes we forget the healing power of love and of expressing love to the world around you. It feels really good to love someone/something, and it feels even better to let those people know they are loved. So this post is a challenge to you and to me: tell someone you love them, tell at least one person you love that you haven't told yet, and tell someone you love them every day for the rest of the month, and see if that doesn't make your life just a little bit richer!

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