I was feeling pretty crappy, you know, winter, cold, unsexy, bored, lonely, blah blah blah when I thought "hey, if I'm not quite enlightened

enough to transcend to bliss yet, why not act on a little masochism?" So I took a very hot shower, scrubbed off most of my skin, and smeared moisturizer all over. I got so into the act of scraping off and then rubbing on every inch of myself that I forgot to feel crappy. In fact I forgot almost everything except what it felt like as the washcloth moved over my skin, and my own gentle firm touch with the lotion. All those shitty feelings about being lonely? Gone. Replaced by a sense of well-being and love. Somewhere between literally scraping myself raw and gently soothing myself I lost emotion and became present with my body.
Of course, then that presence became a really great orgasm, (hey, self-love is important!) and that was the real moment of clarity: I am the only person who can really make myself feel sexy any time I want. So I did. I looked myself in the eye, put on sexy lingerie and danced for myself. I got all dressed up for myself, and did a strippy, grindy, feel-myself up dance, and made the most of being alone. So, reader(s?) do something nice for yourself. Love yourself in every way you know how and then learn more ways. Seriously. Be present in your body,it feels good and it's one of the most important things you can do to feel better right now!
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